Insurance solutions


Automobily v továrně na výrobní lince
Operátér na letišti dává signál letadlu k přistání
Muž pracující ve fotovoltaické elektrárně
Energetičtí pracovníci pod dráty vysokého napětí
Žena pracující v továrně na PET láhve
Hutník při odpichu vysoké pece
Lesník s motorovou pilou zpracovává řezivo
Pracovníci ve třídicí lince třídí odpad
Člověk počítá na kalkulačce a dívá se do smluv
Pracovníci v oblecích na poradě v kanceláři
Auditor kontroluje stav zboží v regále
Soudce s advokátkou řeší právní příklad.
Lékárnice se dívá na krabičku léků v regálech s léky
Daňové poradkyně se dívají do smlouvy před šanony
Dopravce se dívá na přejímací list s odběratelem zboží
Parkoviště s tisíci automobilů
Zřízenec v nemocnici veze postel s pacientem na operaci
Lékárnice se dívá na krabičku léků v regálech s léky
Záběr na bankovky české měny
Pracovníci RENOMIA sedí v kavárně ve Florentinu
Pracovnice se dívá do tabletu u serveru
Malebná česká obec s náměstím
Muž a žena ve formálním oděvu v moderní kanceláři
Plavec při kraulu pod vodou v bazénu
Nákupní centrum s eskalátory a obchody
Architekt ukazuje investorovi návrh řešení
Projektant a stavbyvedoucí řeší projekt na stavbě bytového domu
Muž a žena u serverů se dívají do notebooku
Porada byznysmenů ve formálním prostředí se ženou uprostřed
Živnostnice v kavárně sleduje vývoj tržeb
Zemědělec kontroluje kvalitu klasu
Zemědělec krmí krávy zelenou trávou
Plodiny v podobě obilovin

International services

Anywhere in the world


Businesses rely on us every day

We are an air service company, mainly helicopters. We have been operating for over twenty years. During this time I have had a lot of experience with aviation risk insurance.

I want to thank RENOMIA for their stellar and professional service. RENOMIA has been our exclusive insurance partner for over three years. I appreciate their consummate professionalism, accommodating approach, fair dealing and expediency in handling all our requirements. Thank you again for your great service!

Ladislav Bradáč

Operations Director, NISA AIR s.r.o.

We have been with RENOMIA since October 2013. The 2015 IIHF World Championship in ice hockey, which took place in the Czech Republic, has been a real test of our cooperation. Also thanks to RENOMIA, everything went smoothly. We want to thank our RENOMIA partners for being so helpful, patient and dedicated.

JUDr. Tomáš Král

Czech Ice Hockey Federation

České Radiokomunikace started working with RENOMIA in 2011. RENOMIA handles our complete insurance programme including claims settlement.

We have always been very impressed with the enthusiastic and professional attitude of RENOMIA - in all aspects of insurance. RENOMIA specialists take into consideration the insurance strategy of our parent company, our specifics as well as the specifics of our industry. Our insurance programme, which was designed for us by RENOMIA specialists, respects the insurance strategy of our parent company as well as the specifics of our industry. We genuinely appreciate RENOMIA's "strong shoulder" and the quality of their service. We are confident that our partnership will be as strong as it is now going forward.

Ing. Martin Gebauer

CEO, České Radiokomunikace a.s.

Karlovarské minerální vody has been relying on RENOMIA broker service since 2005, when RENOMIA took over the management of our complete insurance programme. Through our partnership we RENOMIA, we cut our insurance costs. And for me personally, as owner of the company, one more thing is important: in RENOMIA I found a professional and strong partner, one I can rely on in all insurance-related matters. RENOMIA has my full confidence - its people take care of all our insurance policies and handle all claims.

I believe that our partnership will flourish even more going into the future, to the benefit of both parties.

Dott. Antonio Pasquale

Chief Executive Officer, Karlovarské minerální vody, a. s.

PEGAS NONWOVENS came to RENOMIA brokers in 2005. We appreciate RENOMIA's expertise in particular, and the high standard of service they always give us.

RENOMIA takes care of our whole insurance programme and claims settlement agenda. We have always been very satisfied with RENOMIA's proactive and professional work, and we appreciate that they respect and accommodate the specifics of our business. At the same time we value RENOMIA's great support in negotiations of of a comprehensive insurance of our foreign investment with RENOMIA's local partner in its network. We are confident that our mutual partnership will be as strong going forward.

Ing. Marian Rašík

Financial Director, PEGAS NONWOVENS s.r.o.

We are an air service company, mainly helicopters. We have been operating for over twenty years. During this time I have had a lot of experience with aviation risk insurance.

I want to thank RENOMIA for their stellar and professional service. RENOMIA has been our exclusive insurance partner for over three years. I appreciate their consummate professionalism, accommodating approach, fair dealing and expediency in handling all our requirements. Thank you again for your great service!

Ladislav Bradáč

Operations Director, NISA AIR s.r.o.

We have been with RENOMIA since October 2013. The 2015 IIHF World Championship in ice hockey, which took place in the Czech Republic, has been a real test of our cooperation. Also thanks to RENOMIA, everything went smoothly. We want to thank our RENOMIA partners for being so helpful, patient and dedicated.

JUDr. Tomáš Král

Czech Ice Hockey Federation

České Radiokomunikace started working with RENOMIA in 2011. RENOMIA handles our complete insurance programme including claims settlement.

We have always been very impressed with the enthusiastic and professional attitude of RENOMIA - in all aspects of insurance. RENOMIA specialists take into consideration the insurance strategy of our parent company, our specifics as well as the specifics of our industry. Our insurance programme, which was designed for us by RENOMIA specialists, respects the insurance strategy of our parent company as well as the specifics of our industry. We genuinely appreciate RENOMIA's "strong shoulder" and the quality of their service. We are confident that our partnership will be as strong as it is now going forward.

Ing. Martin Gebauer

CEO, České Radiokomunikace a.s.

Karlovarské minerální vody has been relying on RENOMIA broker service since 2005, when RENOMIA took over the management of our complete insurance programme. Through our partnership we RENOMIA, we cut our insurance costs. And for me personally, as owner of the company, one more thing is important: in RENOMIA I found a professional and strong partner, one I can rely on in all insurance-related matters. RENOMIA has my full confidence - its people take care of all our insurance policies and handle all claims.

I believe that our partnership will flourish even more going into the future, to the benefit of both parties.

Dott. Antonio Pasquale

Chief Executive Officer, Karlovarské minerální vody, a. s.

PEGAS NONWOVENS came to RENOMIA brokers in 2005. We appreciate RENOMIA's expertise in particular, and the high standard of service they always give us.

RENOMIA takes care of our whole insurance programme and claims settlement agenda. We have always been very satisfied with RENOMIA's proactive and professional work, and we appreciate that they respect and accommodate the specifics of our business. At the same time we value RENOMIA's great support in negotiations of of a comprehensive insurance of our foreign investment with RENOMIA's local partner in its network. We are confident that our mutual partnership will be as strong going forward.

Ing. Marian Rašík

Financial Director, PEGAS NONWOVENS s.r.o.

We are an air service company, mainly helicopters. We have been operating for over twenty years. During this time I have had a lot of experience with aviation risk insurance.

I want to thank RENOMIA for their stellar and professional service. RENOMIA has been our exclusive insurance partner for over three years. I appreciate their consummate professionalism, accommodating approach, fair dealing and expediency in handling all our requirements. Thank you again for your great service!

Ladislav Bradáč

Operations Director, NISA AIR s.r.o.

We have been with RENOMIA since October 2013. The 2015 IIHF World Championship in ice hockey, which took place in the Czech Republic, has been a real test of our cooperation. Also thanks to RENOMIA, everything went smoothly. We want to thank our RENOMIA partners for being so helpful, patient and dedicated.

JUDr. Tomáš Král

Czech Ice Hockey Federation

České Radiokomunikace started working with RENOMIA in 2011. RENOMIA handles our complete insurance programme including claims settlement.

We have always been very impressed with the enthusiastic and professional attitude of RENOMIA - in all aspects of insurance. RENOMIA specialists take into consideration the insurance strategy of our parent company, our specifics as well as the specifics of our industry. Our insurance programme, which was designed for us by RENOMIA specialists, respects the insurance strategy of our parent company as well as the specifics of our industry. We genuinely appreciate RENOMIA's "strong shoulder" and the quality of their service. We are confident that our partnership will be as strong as it is now going forward.

Ing. Martin Gebauer

CEO, České Radiokomunikace a.s.

Karlovarské minerální vody has been relying on RENOMIA broker service since 2005, when RENOMIA took over the management of our complete insurance programme. Through our partnership we RENOMIA, we cut our insurance costs. And for me personally, as owner of the company, one more thing is important: in RENOMIA I found a professional and strong partner, one I can rely on in all insurance-related matters. RENOMIA has my full confidence - its people take care of all our insurance policies and handle all claims.

I believe that our partnership will flourish even more going into the future, to the benefit of both parties.

Dott. Antonio Pasquale

Chief Executive Officer, Karlovarské minerální vody, a. s.

PEGAS NONWOVENS came to RENOMIA brokers in 2005. We appreciate RENOMIA's expertise in particular, and the high standard of service they always give us.

RENOMIA takes care of our whole insurance programme and claims settlement agenda. We have always been very satisfied with RENOMIA's proactive and professional work, and we appreciate that they respect and accommodate the specifics of our business. At the same time we value RENOMIA's great support in negotiations of of a comprehensive insurance of our foreign investment with RENOMIA's local partner in its network. We are confident that our mutual partnership will be as strong going forward.

Ing. Marian Rašík

Financial Director, PEGAS NONWOVENS s.r.o.